Emoji na shoptetu

☹️ Frowning Face ☠️ Skull and Crossbones ❣️ Heart Exclamation ❤️ Red Heart ✋ Raised Hand ✌️ Victory Hand ☝️ Index Pointing Up ✊ Raised Fist ✍️ Writing Hand ⛷️ Skier ⛹️ Person Bouncing Ball ☘️ Shamrock ☕ Hot Beverage ⛰️ Mountain ⛪ Church ⛩️ Shinto Shrine ⛲ Fountain ⛺ Tent ♨️ Hot Springs ⛽ Fuel Pump ⚓ Anchor ⛵ Sailboat ⛴️ Ferry ✈️ Airplane ⌛ Hourglass Done ⏳ Hourglass Not Done ⌚ Watch ⏰ Alarm Clock ⏱️ Stopwatch ⏲️ Timer Clock ☀️ Sun ⭐ Star ☁️ Cloud ⛅ Sun Behind Cloud ⛈️ Cloud with Lightning and Rain ☂️ Umbrella ☔ Umbrella with Rain Drops ⛱️ Umbrella on Ground ⚡ High Voltage ❄️ Snowflake ☃️ Snowman ⛄ Snowman Without Snow ☄️ Comet ✨ Sparkles ⚽ Soccer Ball ⚾ Baseball ⛳ Flag in Hole ⛸️ Ice Skate
♠️ Spade Suit ♥️ Heart Suit ♦️ Diamond Suit ♣️ Club Suit ⛑️ Rescue Worker’s Helmet ☎️ Telephone ⌨️ Keyboard ✉️ Envelope ✏️ Pencil ✒️ Black Nib ✂️ Scissors ⛏️ Pick ⚒️ Hammer and Pick ⚔️ Crossed Swords ⚙️ Gear ⚖️ Balance Scale ⛓️ Chains ⚗️ Alembic ⚰️ Coffin ⚱️ Funeral Urn ♿ Wheelchair Symbol ⚠️ Warning ⛔ No Entry ☢️ Radioactive ☣️ Biohazard ⬆️ Up Arrow ↗️ Up-Right Arrow ➡️ Right Arrow ↘️ Down-Right Arrow ⬇️ Down Arrow ↙️ Down-Left Arrow ⬅️ Left Arrow ↖️ Up-Left Arrow ↕️ Up-Down Arrow ↔️ Left-Right Arrow ↩️ Right Arrow Curving Left ↪️ Left Arrow Curving Right ⤴️ Right Arrow Curving Up ⤵️ Right Arrow Curving Down
⚛️ Atom Symbol ✡️ Star of David ☸️ Wheel of Dharma ☯️ Yin Yang ✝️ Latin Cross ☦️ Orthodox Cross ☪️ Star and Crescent ☮️ Peace Symbol ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces ⛎ Ophiuchus ▶️ Play Button ⏩ Fast-Forward Button ⏭️ Next Track Button ⏯️ Play or Pause Button ◀️ Reverse Button ⏪ Fast Reverse Button ⏮️ Last Track Button ???? Upwards Button ⏫ Fast Up Button ???? Downwards Button ⏬ Fast Down Button ⏸️ Pause Button ⏹️ Stop Button ⏺️ Record Button ⏏️ Eject Button ✖️ Multiply ➕ Plus ➖ Minus ➗ Divide ‼️ Double Exclamation Mark ⁉️ Exclamation Question Mark ❓ Red Question Mark ❔ White Question Mark ❕ White Exclamation Mark ❗ Red Exclamation Mark 〰️ Wavy Dash

♻️ Recycling Symbol ⚜️ Fleur-de-lis ⭕ Hollow Red Circle ✅ Check Mark Button ☑️ Check Box with Check ✔️ Check Mark ❌ Cross Mark ❎ Cross Mark Button ➰ Curly Loop ➿ Double Curly Loop 〽️ Part Alternation Mark ✳️ Eight-Spoked Asterisk ✴️ Eight-Pointed Star ❇️ Sparkle ©️ Copyright ®️ Registered ™️ Trade Mark ℹ️ Information Ⓜ️ Circled M ㊗️ Japanese “Congratulations” Button ㊙️ Japanese “Secret” Button ⚫ Black Circle ⚪ White Circle ⬛ Black Large Square ⬜ White Large Square ◼️ Black Medium Square ◻️ White Medium Square ◾ Black Medium-Small Square ◽ White Medium-Small Square ▪️ Black Small Square ▫️ White Small Square